A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of
Beta ISA(Instruction Set Architecture) using van Neuman Model
Built processor for a general purpose computer using CPU , Main memory and I/O devices where instructions follow 32-bit RISC (reduced instruction set computer) where memory access and operation are separated to provide better performance . Implementation of control operations include arithmetic , arithmetic constant , store , load , branching ,exceptions in Beta Architecture using General Purpose Register , PC and ALU . Run custom test cases by supplying .txt used initialize the Instruction and data memory
Hardware and Software abstraction of Computer
ALU/CPU design and implementation using elementary logic gates and flip flops in HDL. Writing Assembler , VMTranslator and Compiler to parse Java like high level language responsible for converting bytecode to machine-specific code. Understanding Object-based design and programming, abstract data types, scoping rules, syntax and semantics, references
Verilog Implementation of Cryptography Block Ciphers
Implemented and tested Advanced Encryption Standard 128 modes to encode and decode image . Used four different modes of operation of Data and Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm . Created a python utility to convert binary files to images and vice versa. Cipher consisting of 16 byte input with 10 rounds and 16 byte key . Implemented Electronic Code Book Mode ,Cipher Block Chaining Mode , Cipher Feedback Mode and Output Feedback Mode
Designing Self Balancing Platform using Control System and Opencv
Designed Ball Balance Platforms with mazes on top , such that colored balls navigate through them in a stipulated amount of time thus ensuring Platforms Quality.Reached Final Task /Task 6 , score of top 15 out of starting 400+ teams. Behaviour modelling of objects in a physics engine based simulator. Designed an optimised Gain scheduling based PID Controller . Used python multiprocessing and opencv on input maze images and construct them on the platforms and ball detection to provide feedback to PID controller . Used Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path with minimum turns
PHY and MAC packet transmission modelling
Simulation of source-encoder-channel pipeline for video input in MATLAB . Modelled Data Packet for 802.11 specification and crc for checking successful transmission . Modulation and Demodulation schemes for packet transmission through OFDM were used to compare performance and signal noise at receiver